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Open Knowledge Maps
Query the literature to create knowledge maps and streamgraphs of publications in invasion biology
WikiProject Invasion Biology within Wikidata
Visual scholarly profiles based on bibliographic and other information in Wikidata
Community-curated platform describing research papers in a structured manner using semantic annotations
Nanopublications allow to express individual scientific claims in a way that facilitates their processing by automated workflows
Hypothesis papers
Standardised articles summarising the definition and history of a scientific hypothesis
On-demand analyses
Online tools providing interactive on-demand analyses and visualisations, e.g. R shiny apps
Hypothesis networks
Conceptual maps showing major research hypotheses and how they are related to each other
Causal networks
Causal network graphs showing hypothesised mechanisms underlying biological invasions
Classification scheme
Conceptual classification scheme of invasion science that allows to organise publications and datasets, guide research directions and identify knowledge gaps
Invasion biology corpus
Collection of publications and other entities related to biological invasions
Thesis starter tool
Tool for students to explore the field of invasion biology
Invasion Biology Ontology: a machine-readable encyclopaedia containing core concepts in invasion biology
Branches of Science
Interactive tool to dive into the different branches of science, as included in Wikipedia, and to find out where you can study them in Germany (from the DAAD database)