Info & Vision

Massive amounts of data and information are in principle available to us almost anywhere and instantly, but most of them are in practice hidden and incomprehensible: They are not turned into real knowledge but represent what we call Knowledge in the Dark or short: Dark Knowledge (Jeschke et al. 2019). Illuminating Dark Knowledge is a huge challenge.

Hi Knowledge tackles this challenge. It is an online hub with interactive visualisation tools that uniquely structure data and information to make them better accessible and comprehensible. Three tools are currently available.

One tool allows you to dive into the different branches of science, as included in Wikipedia, and to find out where you can study them in Germany. Our goal is to extend this tool to other countries, so that it has a global coverage. If you are not interested in possibilities to study in Germany, you may enjoy the tool’s features to explore the branches of science.

The two other tools are interactive networks of hypotheses in the field of invasion biology. Our first tool from 2018 accompanies the book Invasion Biology: Hypotheses and Evidence (Jeschke & Heger, eds, 2018; CABI, Wallingford, UK). It allows you to dive into 12 major hypotheses and >1100 studies addressing them. The 2020 extension of the tool features a large, clustered network of 39 invasion hypotheses (based on Enders et al. 2020) that are connected to the data collected for the book. We are working on similar networks for other research fields, so that we eventually have an interactive atlas of knowledge covering all fields of research. This is our vision.


Strong financial support for the Hi Knowledge initiative has been provided by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (JE 288/9-1, JE 288/9-2, HE 5893/8-1) and the VolkswagenStiftung (92 807, 94 246, 97 863). Additional support has been provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; 01LC1501A, 16LC1807B), the Foundation of German Business (sdw), the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and other funding organisations. Thank you all!

Freie Universität Berlin Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Volkswagenstiftung Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries